For How-To documents describing various turning aspects please go to the "Techniques" link.
The Thames Valley Woodturning Guild offers the following resources and activities to its members:
In addition to this, there are many club members who have extensive experience in woodturning who have agreed to offer their instruction services to other members. These members can be approached at our meetings. They, appropriately, have a wise owl on their name tags so they are easy to spot in the crowd!
The guild offers a hands-on turning 101 (introduction to woodturning) course. These are day long workshops available to guild members for a small fee. This a great way to get up to speed on the basics. Build your skill at these workshops to give you the confidence to tackle more complex projects.
Guild members can bring in a piece to the regular meetings for the round table discussion. Come early (about 7pm) and have your piece discussed with you by 2 or 3 accomplished turners. Ideas on form, finish, etc will be discussed with the turner. This is a great resource to take advantage of to improve in many areas.
For the show and tell, we will periodically have an accomplished turner review some of the show and tell items. When submitting a piece on the show and tell table, you can indicate if you would like your piece critiqued.